WO! remote: the simplest iPad remote app for controlling Dataton™ WATCHOUT™ shows. We developed WO! remote because we needed a simple and elegant way to control a WATCHOUT™ show during previews to our clients. We decided it is simple and elegant and very usable now and that is why we made it available in the App Store.

A really nice tool for presenters, WATCHOUT™-operators & VJ's. Create a show and every cue, action and fx is available in WO! remote.



WO! remote is a no-nonsense iPad app to control your Dataton™ WATCHOUT™ shows. It controls your display-PC without the need of a server running the production software or WATCHNET™.

WO! remote gives you a simple interface providing simple slide, scroll, wipe and select functionalities. Everything you authored in your show is automatically transferred into WO! remote and immediately usable.

Here you find a demo show with common tweens, actions and cues to get you started. And a brief manual for all "need-to-knows". Obviously advanced knowledge of your gear and WATCHOUT™ is somewhat mandatory.






Download WOSHOW (zip 90 Mb)

Download WOmanual (pdf, 2,4 Mb)

Contact us for feedback, questions and suggestions


| WO! remote™ is a registered trademark from Showcaller Software |

| Dataton™, WATCHOUT™ and WATCHNET™ are registered trademarks from Dataton AB, Sweden.